If you would like to have a private Tarot reading. Please chose from the list below.

Stuart Kelly-Legge communicates with the spirit, angelic and elemental realms. He reads oracle cards, pictures, pendulums and some work without the usage of any tools.
Stuart is a level 2 reiki practitioner, certified card reader, oracle guide, angelic medium and flower therapy healer too. He has been practising spirituality publicly for around 12 year, and became aware that he could "read" when he was the ripe old age of 30! It was a picture of a young girl her mother had posted, Stuart looked at it and wrote what he felt and saw. This became the starting point for this incredible journey that has seen him read and help people all over the world from Tasmania to South Africa, the United States of America to right here in Scotland.
To book a private reading. Please CLICK HERE to contact Stuart.
'Queen Bee' Gemma Bradfield.
Karen 'Kaz' Evans

Gemma resides in Wales and has been reading tarot cards for 2 decades. Over the last few years she has been training her abilities to also work through spirit guides to help clents. Gemma is also a qualified Holistic Healer.
To book a private reading. Please CLICK HERE to contact Gemma

Kaz lives in Leicester, England. A life long fan of everything paranormal. Locally known as a Tarot reader she is asked to do private sessions as well as party groups.
To book a private reading. Please CLICK HERE to contact Kaz