Robbie Crossan - Founder and Lead Investigator
Born in Glasgow Scotland, from an early age in the 1970's Robbie knew he was different, as a child he had the ability to sense things no one else could. Sometimes also hearing and seeing people no one else could, At around 13yrs old he was finally able to confirm this was not just his imagination, when an event took place that was witnessed by others in his company. From that day onward, Robbie started studying everything he could get his hands on in regards to the paranormal. Reading up on Case files related to Ed and Lorraine Warren, also getting books on anything and everything he could get his hands on from his local library. At the age of 15 he and some friends started going to abandoned buildings and graveyards too investigate. From that day, he has never looked back,
Lois Haddow - Investigator

It was experiencing events from a young age got her curious about the spirit world. Louise is a keen paranormal investigator and researcher, not to mention an all round geek.
Lois's dream would be spending a weekend investigating in the Waverley Sanatorium USA.
Kyle Cleary - Investigator

Just like is step father Robbie, Kyle has been able communicate with the spirit world from a very young age, at the age of 18 he wanted to join the team, since then he has become a very confident hunter.
His dream is to investigate all over America.